Wednesday, November 7, 2012


hey peeps,

im sooooo happy. i already have my own beruk which you guys called broadband but i call beruk for instance haha. i know. stupid. its freaking fast, freaking convenient, freaking AWESOMEEEEE ! in my place, which if you do know how is the geographical state around, you'll know that this place is huge lame ass for coverage. don't matter what, maxis or even CELCOM. it still suck

the only line that is fast here is YES (018) and got more coverage. i think celcom is sucker for pedalaman place eh? don't know lah. but the one that i use now is just so freaking fast. 4G derr.

no buffer at all for youtube. picture downloading is so fast split second. compete for portal sign in? NO SWEAT ! soooooo much better than wifi provided. Hahahahaha

*evil laugh please like you just own the world

have been use it for more than a year actually but i just don't bring it to the uni since my dad didn't allow me to. haha. well, i guess, there will be more update, aite?

i can't wait.

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