Monday, May 9, 2011

Matrikulasi Gopeng dan Miss 373 itu adalah terbaikk !! :D

Most of people knew that im going to Matrix Gopeng after this. the final decision ! TARAA. thanks to my friend, Hajar for sharing me this blog cause dude really she is the best so far. yeah she's true that most of the blog talking about matrix is a huge crap. so here is the link yaww.

oppsss before that. this blog talk a lot about Matrix Gopeng due to the scenery and the law not to forget the lecture. but still if you didn't get Matrix Gopeng still you will gain lots of information here. no kidding. don't forget to read all of the comments. :)

happy surf yaww !

mind the grammar brother !


  1. wow,thanks bnyak2 coz credit akak.
    welkam to KMPk... =)

  2. Yo..u gonna be my junior at KMPk..KMPk the best..:)!!

