Its been awhileeee peopleeeeeeeeeeeeee !! heh heh
Ok, harini setelah bertahun tidak ketemu sama mereka, amboi over, akhirnya aku dapat juga berjumpa mereka. arghhhh terharu.. wow its been awhile u know but erm they've change a lot. it just macam aku still stay at the same place. nevertheless, aku nak share hari aku yang awesome ni. ewah kau jah
so, today aku met an awesomeladies that is *drum roll
woohooo that is Ona, Sue and Wan ! ohmai miss them like so freaking much dowh. like superb. amboi kemain over. walhal just a lady je yang gila bapak lama tak jumpa ah. she is su'aidah. almost two years lah kot. kalau tak silap aku, the last moment kitorang jumpa after spm la. eh? kalu tak silap la,.
and kitorang rajin actually buat vid nak cover lagu lah bagai. if you happen to be my friend list on Fb you guys can check this vid up.
Super Late Video
so yeah.
owh selca itu penting ya tuan puan. eh
so she is the one yang aku selalu cover lagu and stuff and guess what? we did it again today yeayy ! super excited habaq hang. eh. since aku upload lagu kemenda so aku tak upload youtube. aku upload fb sudeyhh. semua vid kat fb aku merepek. ngeh ngeh . ah bantai.
so if you guys once again are my friend of Fb, you are welcome to watch it. super tak senonoh super geli. sekian,
all and all i just happy for my friend, semua nak terbang dah insyaallah. i pray for their success always. amin. so guys have a blast ok :D
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