Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What happened around me lately.


before this, kalau korang pengikut tegar twitter aku, i do have posted a picture of someone lining their tab with this crazy cheetah print stickers. i found this thing kat Ipoh Parade. kalau you guys live there somewhere cari je kedai tingkat dua kalau tak silap ada banyak bear on the mirror. and variety saiz. korang tak akan tak jumpa punya. this one dekat dengan escalator.

 owh this thing just bought for RM3.50 for A4 size. cheap. and this one is truely fur. bukan just print out paper sticker k. real fur. hmm, puas hati pakai nyah !

owh yeah that one was Madagascar 3, thanks to Amirul Hakim to teach me how to download the movie. follow him now @kimoryaa on twitter :D

this is the ice cream . my sister made it for me. tak tau but i like the colorful pop sprinkle on top of it. warna warniiiiii. me love ! <3

 this one is actually my room wall. since aku sangat lah tak suka dinding kosong so i thought why don't i give it a shot right? i used to be a girl yang sangat suka baca Cleo but i've stopped now since rasa macam Cleo quite give the same info each time. macam tak berkembang snagat. like everything just based on the same round.

so since dah berlambak sangat cleo kat bilik ni , i took some of the best photos, ok here is the credit, if you are into fashion go for cleo. they give the best for this. but for motivation section, its quite lame. so i took certain part minus the sexy one cause its no good so i paste it on the wall. DONE !

no wallpaper, or ink stain, just a bunch of mag shit then your room look all girlish chick yet teenager look enough. ok here im done :D

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