Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Little update of my life weee

 Hello human! 

For record, putting my face latest this year. I know right! Cutest as ever ahahahha. Okay stahp. In serious way i do gained weight. Like a lot. I was also a bit surprised i can manage to gained this much. 

Being someone who is always outdoor and active, having to endure this big of a weight is really challenging. Tak mudah ya badan berat ni. Everything seems off and hard. First noticed was how hard for me to stand up after a long sit and of course i got cramp just by sitting on the floor with folded legs. 

Crazy how i can let myself be this heavy but however i did try my best to gain weight as much as i can but it seems hard to be over than 86kgs. I think my best to get heavier is by that number. 

Now im studying how much exactly i eat in a day. So far realised i consume almost 3000 calories per day. No wonder the weight my god! 

Actually penat juga berat ni. Jom kita gerak slow slow. Tbh, i did put myself through hell before its time to shine again but in a very slow pace. Something that i can do long term. Lets! 

Till next time! 

Monday, September 9, 2024


 Taken from 2021. Introducing my son Noah. 

IKR! Wow wow wow. Hahahahah yes yes yes I have a son! Who would’ve thought! God when I say I left this space for quite awhile, I really meant it. 

I think it’s very refreshing to see someone whom we follow/read on the internet blooming to be someone or somewhat important in life. Holding as a Mother as a title, it’s crazy. Like serious. I HAVE A SON! Oh god wait till Noah see this blogspot and all his Mommy ramble babble on her teenage life. I mean Noah, really. You do you. Hahahaha no shortcut really. 

As we speak Noah is already 6 years old. And at this moment, Noah was just 4 years old. Awwww look at how naive he looks. 

Besar sihat selalu ya anak Mommy. InsyaAllah Mommy try my best to share with you all the things mommy had gon through here. Just feel like i need a space to share things or two. Not really sure if people read this but hey if it is so, hello there. Please be nice to me. #KitonyoManjoh 

Reason why i started to writing again is just because i have this amazing ipad which just recently taken over from Noah’s territory. Hahahahaha i tell you what bargain i had to replace from him! Well well i know very well tab kids is just not right (according to my generation) however, i still feel like the need for him to explore this stuffs. 

Btw, tak janji but i will share things on more to come. I mean why not. Wee! 

Till then! 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Who am I kidding???

I am still alive. 

Haha I know right. It’s funny how I’m still here looking for this space for comfort by reading my old self again. It’s been years. 

Also its very funny reading my latest previous post which is in 2018 (heh) on - I am back? - kinda thing but moving forward today I’m writing again after years…? So so typical me. 

So, how’s life? It’s been great. Married with 1 son, live in big city and an amazing job I could never thought I would even own and an amazing life I’m currently living. To always an amazing thing to be exploring and venturing as part of my growth. Ah so much to tell and share. 

But years also taught me humbleness and privacy is the best virtue to lead on having peace in my life. It’s amazing how I realise all this while I’ve been so much in the internet space that moving in here feels like a breeze meanwhile now knowing every movement might affect whoever around me. It’s like walking around in egg shell at all time. 


Just sharing this as part of my recent pictures taken in Sarawak. 

Yup. My early flight experience with company trip. Amazing treat! Will definitely plan my own trip soon with my little family. 

Btw, hey, how’s life, you? What’s life has brought you? More smiles? Perhaps more shrugs? :)

Wish you well all the time, buddy. 

Please know if you ever read this, I’m at a great place already. 

Till we meet again? 


Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Click Here to Watch Gender Reveal Video 

Hai korang oh my its been so long. Hahahaha guess blog is never a thing now eyy. But not tonight since aku rasa nak berlatih jari. To make it short, I am now 25 years old already, happily married and currently in my 37th week of pregnancy WHICH its about soon that I will have my own first child. Its crazy how fast time flies.

Anyways, dont think im gonna make a long post here unless when it comes during my confinement time, I will make a lot of post insyaAllah with my Noah. My baby is a BOY! Yeayyy I am beyond nervous and excited!

If you still am reading this which i will be so surprised that some can still read this site, welcome and hello!  Till then.

I swear i have a lottttttttt to say but ya know, nevermind. Haha 

Monday, January 1, 2018

I am back.


i keep coming back and missing again, right? did you wait for me? i hope you guys are not. but eventually this time i will hope that you guys will really stay with me cause now, today, i will be active again after all the struggle i had only to make sure i survive in KL.

the moment i write this down is the moment where i just purchased myself a customized computer only to make me able to write this down. sad. i know. but the struggle i need to go through before i able to take another luxury, is way too harsh to remember.

i promise i will update more soon. You, wait.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Oh wow guys, now where should i begin?

i think if i not mistaken, i've been away from all my media social and not uploading so much content since early 2016 or late 2016. So much things happened i swear. Do you get the feeling where you really wanna just spill everythingggg to something but you feel its just useless and a waste of time. Yes i do now. I guess thats what adulthood is.

So far i have been good.  I think. I am married, in case if you dont know. I mean, yeah.. Well, it surely is still in that surreal phase to me. Every day waking up from sleep i will ask myself whats happening, who is the guy i have been sleeping with last night? Very surreal i tell you. Soon i will update more about the journey of my life so far that i have been away from.

Im here watching everything. Its just that im in that anonymous mode. And stalking.. and judging...

Back then, life was fun. I have so many time to do anything that i want. I have all the resources that i need in order to have the fun but lack of money. But its so much different now. I have the money but i have so little time. Each time i wanna do things, i have to reconsider either this will worth the time that i will spend? Cause i tell you time is money. And i value money more.

But no matter how much i gain every day, the fun isnt that much satisfactory anymore. Its feels mundane. Like, what is the meaning of struggling with no joy to be remembered and nothing to  laugh about?  I guess thats what adulthood means.


I feel bad about myself these past few years. I chase to be 'somebody' rather than get to know me more first. I forget how to have fun. I forget how to laugh till i cry at the end. I forget how i enjoy music that much. How i spend my time reading fantasy books, doing some DIY and creating new stuff to share on the youtube channel i have.

I chased wrong thing.

But i never regret the things i have gone through. I learnt a lot. And i am matured by time.

I have gone through some real hardship that i will never forget. That, i will tell you guys more. Soon. If i have the time. But no worries, from now on, i have the resources already. We will meet together again and you can meet me through my writing.

Im still here. The fun one. Its just that the new me has trapped me to the dark sleep, And i have awaken to embrace what i have left behind.

If you currently reading this, consider yourself as a lucky one. Cause im about to make this space as my private diary only to express whats inside me. And trust me, i have bottled up so many things and be excited for you shall read more.

Before i end this post, i just wanna say that i am back :)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wait, hold up! What just happened?

For god sake i have been abandoning my blog for so long! At last now... Hehe im not sure if i wanna do blog as frequent as before but writing gives me the peace that i couldnt find anywhere else but why not write again about my life, right?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Lets talk about love.

I used to think that if i love something i have to find the source of why im loving.

But now i learnt,

its how i create the pretentious love when i thought it is supposed to be there when im hoping one.

I was wrong all this while
Loving is not enough
Its more than that

And i also learnt,
i love the wrong thing.

But its too late now. I still have to carry on.

Now im walking with my dying heart and an empty soul to my marriage life.

I will always be that girl who will always feel nothing for emotion. Im dead inside.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


It is yet to be created.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Update [4 Disember 2015]


Hi, its me again; shaika. that funky girl with crazy attitude as you can read my past stories here. its me.

Now, i am 22 years old and over the years, i swear that so many things happened. but for that matter of pillow talk story telling, lets wait till i have the right amount of time to tell you what happened with my life till then.


you still miss me for the babble.


have a good life adventure ahead, awesome folks!
